The extreme sizes dominate life across the biosphere   Eden W. Tekwa, Katrina A. Catalano,  Anna L. Bazzicalupo, Mary I. O’Connor, Malin L. Pinsky. 2023. The sizes of life. PLOS ONE
 Theme issue: ‘ Detecting and attributing the causes of biodiversity change: needs, gaps and solutions’ compiled and edited by Eden Tekwa, Andrew Gonzalez, Damaris Zurell and Mary O’Connor.  17 July 2023. Volume 378Issue 1881    Cover image  This iss
 The Opioid crisis in USA and Canada. Digital. ©Sylvia Heredia
 Shakespearean Invaders of North America. Common starling ( Sturnus vulgaris) , house sparrow ( Passer domesticus) , and common cuckoo ( Cuculus canorus) . Watercolor and ink  Two of the most invasive species of birds in North America, starlings and
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